Thinking Differently: The Power of Giftedness in the Technical World

For years, I felt uncertain about the way I think due to external input. I was considered “different” and hard to place in a category. Eventually, I got the ‘diagnose’ highly gifted, which was no surprise to me.

Since then, I’ve been able to turn this trait into my greatest strength! I have a unique perspective on everything. While others get stuck in established thought patterns, I always see new angles and creative solutions. This has often led to great results.

My unique perspective helps teams solve complex problems faster and more efficiently. Because I always see the bigger picture, I often come to unexpected conclusions. I often say that I have a “dual processor,” allowing me to process information faster and more effectively.

There is sometimes a negative connotation to high intelligence (or maybe that’s just my old insecurity), but it’s actually a huge advantage to work with people who think differently within a team.

Would you like to experience the benefits of having a creative all-rounder on your team? Let’s have a conversation – I look forward to exploring the possibilities together.